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Influx of new swimmers enables creation of another provincial team

The Sudbury Artistic Swim Club is forging ahead in 2025, with or without their long-time training venue at Laurentian University.

With more than double the number of athletes that the club welcomed one year ago, the SASC unveiled a new U10 provincial team recently, more than just making due with city facilities other than the Jeno Tihanyi Pool.

Competing at the Lisa Alexander Skill and Figure Competition in Nepean before Christmas, the group featured six top-end placements among their U10 youngsters, with Violet Timony, Ella Aho, Olivia Beauvais, Mackenna Laban, Evelyn D’Onofrio and Brielle Thornton covering the swath, from first to sixth.

Meanwhile, juniors Heidi Fink and Eva Jessup continue to excel, with the former earning first place ribbons in both the North and North East regions. In fact, Fink secured first place overall in all events (figures, land skills, water skills), a “huge accomplishment, as this is her graduating year”, in the words of SCSA head coach Courtney Stasiuk-Mohr.

Placing second to Fink in the North, Eva Jessup also showed well right across the North East (6th place) as Stasiuk-Mohr joins forces once again with Emily Binks in providing direction for their young talents in the pool.

While junior athletes prepare for a meet in Etobicoke this month, the U10 crew are anxiously anticipating the chance to perform their routine for the first time in a competitive setting when the team travels to the Markham Pan Am Centre for the Leslie Taylor Ontario Cup meet next month.

Sudbury Wolves